Account Manager

Karryn Miller

When Karryn was seven years old, her parents took her out of school for six months to travel the world. She was hooked. She wanted to travel and live overseas. In 2001, after earning a degree in Business with a joint major in Marketing and Communications, she left New Zealand and headed to South Korea. Since then Karryn has lived and worked as a freelance writer in Japan, Vietnam, the United States and India. During her time overseas Karryn has written for various publications including Conde Nast Traveller, Travel + Leisure, CNNGo and The Japan Times, as well as the inflight magazines of major airlines. She has also contributed to several books including National Geographic’s Sacred Places of a Lifetime and Food Journeys of a Lifetime, as well as Explorer Publishing’s Tokyo: The Complete Residents’ Guide. In 2012 Karryn joined the Balcony Media team. She is currently based in Auckland, New Zealand.


Jim Sullivan Managing Director
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